
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2016

To Quit How Vim

Type “wq” the “w” indicates that the document must be written, or stored so that you can overwrite current document and the “q” suggests that vim should quit, or go out then press < enter>. this may stop the editor, and write all changes you have got made; all changes to the record will be stored. Vim is a modal editor. hit the esc key to get into ordinary (command) mode then kind :q and press enter. to stop without saving any adjustments, kind :q! and press enter. see also getting out in vim documentation. The "a way to end vim" jokes are unfunny, worn-out and a waste of my time. i would really like to peer a prohibition in opposition to them in r/vim. if rule 1 is "no keyboard photos", then a rule towards lame "a way to quit vim" jokes looks as if an ideal accomplice to it. * quit vim, all changes to the buffers (such as hidden) are lost. press return to affirm the command. this solution doesn't reference all vim write and give up commands an